American Right To Life Unfurled World's Largest Protest Sign: DNC Sheets Of Shame
DENVER, Aug. 26 /PRNewswire/ -- An official Guinness Book of World Records attempt to display the largest ever protest sign has succeeded. The 530-foot tall and 666-foot wide message is being shouted from the mountaintops overlooking the Democratic National Convention with the leading 2008 protest message.
Depending on their location, thousands of DNC delegates and journalists can look out their hotel windows to the west to see the sign. Sponsored by American RTL Action, the message initially appeared with three enormous 160-foot tall, bright yellow letters, D-N-C, stacked on top of each other.
See how this "protest" was used as a way to request gifts of $1,000 for the organization.
As a PRO-LIFE Democrat, I am wholly offended by this gross "BLANKET" statement. This protest
The Pro life movement has become the toy of a political machine that uses it for its own pleasure to raise money and to call on a force of minions that will not question the true views and values of the leaders in charge of the party. They have become stooges of a political machine that always asks for full allegiance but never delivers on the promises it makes to the movement. As many babies lose their lives to abortion today as did on the day that George Bush took office.
Not only did George Bush and the Republican Party fail to deliver the babies, but they failed to deliver a working economy for the majority of those who are so dedicated to the movement that they cannot see beyond it to realize they have sold their souls to a self-centered, uncaring machine owned by multinational corporations.
Not only did George Bush and the Republican Party fail to deliver the babies, but they failed to deliver a successful peace in Iraq and simultaneously failed to deliver retribution to Al-Qaeda as they sought to deliver profits so that the rich could become even richer on oil. All the while over 5,000 brave soldiers, young men and young women have lost their lives for the war for oil and many more have come home maimed in body and mind.
Not only did George Bush and the Republican Party fail to deliver the babies, but they failed to deliver security for family homes while thousands have been cast to the streets as the fallout of the malpractice of the mortgage industry. George Bush and the Republican party stood back and watched as our economy teetered on the brink of destruction caused by the greed of the banking industry and Wall Street who sought to become ever richer by defrauding the American public.
Not only did George Bush and the Republican Party fail to deliver the babies, but they have failed to deliver on a health care system that cares for all of the American citizenry. Over the past eight years, the avenue from which most Americans receive health care coverage continues to shrink as the cost of health insurance rises, fewer employers can afford to keep paying, leaving more and more people in the gap with no or spotty coverage.
Not only did George Bush and the Republican Party fail to deliver the babies, but they have failed to deliver a sound and innovative public educational system. More students are dropping out now than were eight years ago when George Bush took office.
While the pro life movement has been played like pawns by the Republican party, the rich have gotten richer and the rest of the American people have fallen behind and are at the brink of poverty. Is this the fruit of the pro life movement? It seems to be all that can be found on that barren tree. May it be uprooted and thrown into the sea for it has borne no fruit.
Anyone who had respect for John McCain for the man he once was has to be shaking their head in disbelief while watching him self-destruct his own ethics as he panders his way down the political trail in hopes of owning the White House. He is the next man to use the pro life movement while seeking his own benefit. He proclaims he IS the pro life candidate. How many years has he been in office? Has he yet delivered the babies? NO he has not. Nor will he. He is seeking his own prize on the backs of the pro life movement. They have so often offered their backs for a political roadway they must now be covered in shoe-print shaped callouses.
I was very involved with the pro life movement and the move to over-take the Kansas Republican party in the 1990's. (Read What's the Matter with Kansas? for an outsider's view of this movement.) By 1996 I had become so disgusted with the arrogance and unethical and even illegal actions of the right to life group and the individuals involved that I walked away from the party of which I had been a member for twenty years. Not only were these people becoming power hungry, but they were blinded by that need and were so obviously being used by local politicians yet would never listen to the truth when plainly put before them. I saw them aligning themselves with unethical candidates and driving themselves beyond reason to get these people elected. What has it gained the pro life movement? Have the pro life organizations or the politicians they have supported delivered the babies? NO they have not!
The ugly truth of the pro life movement is that it also uses the tragedy of abortion as a "fund-raiser." How many years have we had national and state-level pro life organizations protesting abortion and growing their organizations? Twenty years? Thirty years? Forty years? Have they delivered the babies? NO they have not! But they have raised millions of dollars and created life-time careers for those at the head of these organizations.
Right to Life needs NARAL just a much as NARAL needs RTL. It is a symbiotic fund-raising relationship. If there was ever a resolution of this issue both movements would be left ship-wrecked. Neither of them truly wants to win. They are knee deep in the politics and the glory of their movements
Twelve years later, I remain a Democrat and pro life. And I will work to help elect Barack Obama and Joe Biden in November.
Buzz it up