Saturday, May 31, 2008

Get Ready for God, Guns, and Gays - Part Two

I received a campaign appeal letter in email from the True Majority ( I am compelled to bring you PART TWO of God, Guns, and Gays in response.

In GG&G Part One, I reviewed how the exuberance for Gay Marriage which was winning strides in Massachusetts and California energized the Radical Right voter base ushering in four more painful years of GW Bush in the 2004 election. Again I say, "When will we learn?" I fully support equal rights for gays and lesbians. It is the only faithful liberal stance for full equality which is one of the standards of my beliefs. However to make this a major public campaign in the wake of a presidential election plays into the hands of the Radical Right every stinking time and even pulls in people for the middle who would otherwise not care who won the election.

Please read this post to Religious right toils to sell homophobia about the recent ruling in California. And don't take the statements from the Pastor of the Church of the Resurrection as any hope that opposition to gay marriage is subsiding. COTR is a Methodist church...I am also a Methodist and our denomination has a long history of supporting equality. The Methodist church I attend in the same city as COTR has an open-door policy accepting everyone without discrimination. We aren't just "leaning" that way, we are leading the way. The greater evangelical church is not of the same mind. Right down the street you can go to another mega-church that will be preaching against liberalism and homosexuality from the pulpit and getting hardy "Amens" as they register voters in the foyer. Mark my words, the Faux News Network (Fox News for those new to my blog) is drooling just ready to run photos and do faux news casts on the upcoming gay marriages in California.

Why not just invite John and Mike to your wedding?
If you plan your wedding before January 2009 you might as well invite John McCain to walk you down the isle and maybe Mike Huckabee could give a toast at your reception.

Go to the mirror and ask yourself this question: "Why is gay marriage legalized anywhere in the United States right before a presidential election?" Is this coincidence? Why did it happen in 2004? Why now again in 2008?

My 80-year-old mother should have been able to beat GW Bush in 2004. What happened? Was it lots of videos on the news showing gay marriages? Was it lots of great photos for conservative direct mailings? Was it new material for Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, and Coulter???

Then ask yourself this question: "How do I feel about having John McCain as MY president and a Congress full of right wingers?

I am not out to burst anyone's bubble about the recent ruling in California. I applaud the decision. I just ask, "Why now?" This plays right into the "God, Guns, and Gays" playbook of the radical right.

If you want another eight years like the past eight years of GWB, go ahead, start planning your wedding and make sure it is very public. Welcome the press when they want to put you on the front page and on the nightly news. Maybe Hannity will hunt down your silver pattern and send you a gift. He is surely happy to see that so many will be entering in to wedded bliss in a parade across prime time in the MSM. on the Recent Marriage Ruling in California

For right-wing Christian activists, this month's California Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage provides an opportunity to rekindle interest in an issue that has fallen well behind the price of gas in the national consciousness.

But it won't be easy, and not just because of pressing secular issues like the housing downturn and an unpopular war in Iraq.

Voices within evangelicalism are pushing for a broader agenda, and evidence suggests younger evangelicals are more accepting of gay men and lesbians. Meanwhile, anti-marriage amendments are on the ballot in only a few states and the issue doesn't play to presumptive GOP presidential nominee John McCain's strengths.

Yet marriage opponents say the California ruling will help them broaden their religious coalitions to include more Hispanic Catholics and evangelicals.

The ruling, they say, made their argument for them: Constitutional measures are needed to prevent judges from subverting the will of the people and reinventing a sacred institution they believe is central to society's well-being and part of God's design.

"I think the California decision does refocus our movement on the threat of marriage being redefined," said John Stemberger, who as head of the Florida Family Policy Council is supporting a proposed amendment in that swing state that would define marriage as between one man and one woman.

link to full article:

McCain will not dare move on this and lose his voter base


  • Marriage Equality Debate
    This is an audio link to a debate on the civil right to marry for same sex couples held at Stanford University School of Law, on April 20, 2005. The participants in the debate were Evan Wolfson, Executive Director of Freedom to Marry and Rev. Lou Sheldon, President of the Traditional Values Coalition.
Listen to this debate which gives both sides of the issue. Rev. Sheldon's views reveal the attitude of the religious right towards this issue. You can debate all you want, but as long as the church pastor preaches that the country is doomed over the acceptance of homosexuality the flock will follow. Evan Wolfson presents very solid statements but he will never convince the religious right. And I propose that this debate is a losing one for the presidential election for the Democratic party.

Anderson Cooper Reports on the California Ruling

Appeal letter from True Majority

You might have heard that the Supreme Court of California ruled that marriage is a fundamental civil right and must not be restricted on the basis of sexual orientation. Now, on June 17th, California is poised to become only the second state in America to practice full marriage equality. Over the past decade the public has rapidly been embracing equal rights and with this clear ruling we finally have an opportunity to put equality over the top.

Now we're coming out. We support full marriage equality.

We all have our own issues: budget priorities, labor rights, reproductive rights, election integrity, telecom immunity, anti-war, pro civil rights, this list goes on and on. But, this is bigger than that. Marriage equality comes down to human rights. That's why we're circulating this open letter for all progressives to take a second to step back from our respective corners and come out in support of same sex marriage.

Sign this open letter for equality today:

Signing this is a first step. Right now, politicians on all sides are falling all over themselves with excuses to avoid talking about the issue. Well we've had enough! We need to show that the progressive movement is united on this issue. We'll deliver this open letter to Governors across the country who are currently considering referendums or legislation regarding marriage equality.

Let's celebrate equality in the most populous state in the union by showing the unity of the progressive movement. Between fighting hateful referendums in California and Florida and making a positive case for marriage equality nationwide, we've got a lot of work to do. So, after you sign, please forward this open letter to 3 friends. Together, we can make marriage equality a reality.

Sign this open letter for full equality:
Thanks for leading the movement,


Ilya Sheyman
Online Organizer

My Response to the True Majority Appeal Letter

Dear Ilya,

I am behind your cause 100% but I feel that this is strategically 100% the wrong time to be taking this action. By going forward with a public campaign for marriage equality before the presidential election you will be playing right into the plans of the radical right. Think back to what happened in 2004 - the big push for gay marriage was a rally cry for the right wing to energize their voter base for George Bush. I don't want John McCain as my president. If you are vocal with this and gain great success now for this cause...we will lose the Democratic candidacy for president.

The religious right is very strategic in how they work politically. We have to be as much or more so. That means sometimes putting off until a better time what you want to do right now and focus on laying the ground work for a better America where equality is truly available to all citizens.

Our country cannot withstand another four years like the past eight of Bush. Let's win the election for the Democratic presidential candidate and for a Democratic Congress and then we will have a much better playing field for equality in marriage and other positive issues.

I guarantee you that every church from the middle to the right will be preaching against the evils of liberals and homosexuality...which they will call the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman...and holding voter registrations on Sunday mornings as the election season continues.They will say this is to follow God's will for our country and to prevent God's judgment on our country. They claim that 9-11 and Katrina were God's judgment on the US because of homosexuality. If you make a big public issue of Marriage Equality before the presidential election you will be doing the work of the religious right for them. They will have the ammo they need to energize their voter base.

Please read: Get Ready for God, Guns, and Gays (

The whole point of politics is to win the WAR not just the battle. You may win this battle, but the WAR will be lost and any gains you make now will vanish. State laws can be over turned and also over ruled by the Supreme Court which has been stacked by conservatives from Nixon to Bush with only a 4 year reprieve during the Carter administration and 8 years during the Clinton administration.

The religious right is willing to throw our country away over the abortion issue; let's not do the same by strategic mistakes in the campaign to gain equality for gays and lesbians. The cause for equality is true and right and must be fought, but it must be fought smartly with extreme strategy.

I will happily sign the petition, AFTER the presidential election.

O'Reilly working hard to tie Gay Marriage to Polygamy and Child Abuse - Dennis Miller Draws the line

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Real McCain

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Saturday, May 03, 2008

How to lose over 2.3 trillion dollars and never explain

I can already hear it. Ann is that you? What is that? You say I don't support the troops? No, no, no, no, have it all wrong. No Ann, honestly...I am not talking, no, not Slander...hey, don't call me Godless! That is just wrong and hateful of you.

I just want to know where that 2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS went that the Pentagon cannot account for. No, now hold on...Donald Rumsfeld talked about the waste in a public speech. If you or I had to explain that to the IRS we would be in lock down.

UPDATE: Representative Cynthia McKinney asks where it went.

Ann, get this...George W says the world would be a better place if we get out of Iraq. Does that make him a nut-case liberal? Maybe he is a liberal parading as a neo-con! Or maybe he just can't walk and chew gum at the same time. Shouldn't a president of the most powerful country in the world be able to multi-task better than that? Geesh, I hope the next president can walk and chew gum at the same time!

I was wrong...I was out of line with that thing I said about walking and chewing gum. I think George W Bush is a very honest and sincere much so that he just can't help telling the truth no matter what they tell him to say...he just keeps telling the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts but it's best.

"They (our enemies) never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." "We must never stop thinking of about how best to offend our country...we must always be forward thinking." - George W. Bush, President and Commander in Chief of the United States of America.

Now watch this video again and look closely at Donald Rumsfeld's face. That man has a hard job...standing there and trying not to react to the absurd speech given by the Commander in Chief. What happens when the world press gets this and translates it into multiple different languages? Do they correct his mispeaking? Or do they keep it in and let the world hear this stuff? That has gotta be tough on diplomacy.

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Keith Olbermann: "How to Defend Ann Coulter?"

"Imagine trying to find her soul."

"Oh, Joe!" "You are my HERO!"

The Book Treason by Ann Coulter is just one more example of how the right keeps moving farther and farther from Conservatism into outright FASCISM. She has this to say about Joe McCarthy: "The myth of "McCarthyism" is the greatest Orwellian fraud of our times. Liberals are fanatical liars, then as now. The portrayal of Sen. Joe McCarthy as a wild-eyed demagogue destroying innocent lives is sheer liberal hobgoblinism."

And this: Liberals denounced McCarthy because they were afraid of getting caught, so they fought back like animals to hide their own collaboration with a regime as evil as the Nazis. As Whittaker Chambers said: "Innocence seldom utters outraged shrieks. Guilt does."

Slates review on Ann Coulter's love-affair with Joe McCarthy.

I crown Ann the Queen of Radically Right Ugly. No one can wear that crown better than Ann Coulter.

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Scalia, Jack Bauer and Dubbya - what do they have in common?

"Has anyone ever referred to torture as punishment?"

Lesley Stahl interviews Antonin Scalia on ABC's 60 Minutes

STAHL: If someone’s in custody, as in Abu Ghraib, and they are brutalized, by a law enforcement person — if you listen to the expression “cruel and unusual punishment,” doesn’t that apply?

SCALIA: No. To the contrary. You think — Has anybody ever referred to torture as punishment? I don’t think so.

STAHL: Well I think if you’re in custody, and you have a policeman who’s taken you into custody–

SCALIA: And you say he’s punishing you? What’s he punishing you for? … When he’s hurting you in order to get information from you, you wouldn’t say he’s punishing you. What is he punishing you for?

Does Terror Trump Torture?

Jan Crawford, Legalities - ABC News
February 12, 2008 5:43 PM

We all know Justice Antonin Scalia is a big fan of 24's Jack Bauer, the fictional hero of the popular television show who sometimes tortures terrorists to derail their fiendish plots and save lives. Scalia mounted a spirited defense of Bauer during a judicial conference in Ottawa last year when a Canadian judge said, "Thankfully, security agencies in all our countries do not subscribe to the mantra 'What would Jack Bauer do?' "

Scalia shot back: "Jack Bauer saved Los Angeles . . . . He saved hundreds of thousands of lives…Are you going to convict Jack Bauer? Say that criminal law is against him? 'You have the right to a jury trial?' "Is any jury going to convict Jack Bauer? I don't think so." (Read more)

But it's only TV!

Punishment and Amusement

Documents Indicate 3 Photos Were Not Staged for Interrogation

By Scott Higham and Joe Stephens
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, May 22, 2004; Page A01

Spec. Joseph M. Darby told investigators that he returned to Abu Ghraib from leave in November and heard about a shooting at the prison's "hard site," which contains Tier 1A. He said that he asked the MP in charge of the tier's night shift, Spec. Charles A. Graner Jr., if he had any photographs of the cell where the shooting took place.

"It was just wrong," Darby said. "I knew I had to do something."

He said that he asked Graner, a Pennsylvania prison guard in civilian life, about the photographs. Graner replied: "The Christian in me says it's wrong, but the corrections officer in me says, 'I love to make a grown man piss himself.' "

ThinkProgress: Scalia interview with Lesley Stahl
Radical Right Wing Republican Antonin Scalia, Says Torture Not Punishment

Scalia on Bush v Gore: "Get over it!"

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Get Ready for God, Guns and Gays...

How many times will the American public fall for this?

Just what does it mean for liberals when a "marriage protection" bill gets slapped on the ballot? Read between the lines...the Christian Coalition has just targeted your state as a "swing" state for their favored candidate. They are going to drive their minions to the polls by the fear of gay marriage. Or maybe with the threat of "gun confiscation" if you see some gun regulation bill on the ballot. This is a big, waving red flag at high mast. It means you have one heck of a battle on your hands and you don't even see the half of it.

They are preaching over the pulpit that anyone voting for
a liberal candidate is sure to burn in hell. They are holding voter registration at church during "Citizenship Sundays" to drive the evil of liberalism out of "our?" country. They are target-mailing a tsunami of the worst, and ugliest stuff all across every county, but you, unsuspecting liberal, will probably never see it.
The 2004 Presidential election play book: The Religion Card- States with gay marriage ballot propositions, which included the linchpin of Ohio, afforded Republicans the opportunity to raise gay marriage as an issue with an important subset of their base, white evangelical Protestants.

In their efforts to target religious conservatives, the RNC and the Bush campaign identified volunteer coordinators within congregations, collected thousands of church membership directories and cross matched the names within their registered voter database, all to deliver customized persuasion and mobilization messages steeped in religious and moral themes.

Other avenues of mobilization, like phone calls, door-step conversations, and church sermons, were also employed in the 2004 campaign.

Gay Marriage a Wedge Issue in the Presidential campaign

Gun Guys: "During this legislative session, House Republicans from suburban Chicago have made decisions on the gun issue based on calls from a vocal and intimidating minority."

Slate: They (the NRA) and other like-minded groups have historically found state legislators easier and cheaper to lobby than Congress because state elections' generally low voter turnout heavily favors candidates who appeal to the die-hard partisans and single-issue voters.

For the 2008 election:
Ohioans For Concealed Carry: GunVoters need to look beyond the national media circus and to pay attention to matters closer to home: to the primary elections for the House, Senate, governor, and state legislatures. GunVoters’ chances to make a difference in the presidential primaries has come and gone with the result being no candidate that we can get excited about supporting. We must make sure the same thing doesn’t happen in congressional, state, and local races as well.

If GunVoters fail to get involved in the primaries, there might well be no reason to get involved in the general. Left with the choice of voting for Tweedle-dumb or Tweedle-dumber up and down the ticket, many GunVoters could end up voting with their feet by going hunting or fishing on election day instead of going voting. The fact is that voters’ power and influence is much greater in a primary election than it ever is during the general election simply because fewer people participate. In most states, less than 30 percent of eligible voters will cast a ballot in a presidential primary while in others less than 10 percent vote. In most states the Congressional primaries are held on a different day than the presidential primaries and the voter turnout for the Congressional and legislative primaries is typically even less than it is for the presidential primaries.

Congressional Leaders Meet with Religious Right to Plot Strategy

Church & State, May 2006

Congressional Republicans are clearly worried about President George W. Bush's plummeting approval ratings and are looking for ways to shore up his evangelical Christian base. The conservative magazine, Weekly Standard, reported that GOP leaders told the Religious Right activists that they would work to "schedule some votes on controversial issues that may help drive the party's base to the polls in November."

Frist has already announced that the Senate will vote in June on the so-called "Marriage Protection Amendment," which would ban same-sex marriages in the country. The Standard's Fred Barnes wrote that this spring and summer; Republican leaders in both chambers of Congress "plan to bring up a series of issues that are popular with the Republican base of voters. The aim is to stir conservative voters and spur turnout in the November election."

Remember the election of 2004. California 2004 Massechusetts 2004
California 2008 - it's heating up the RR voter base all over again.

When all else fails: "I was a sports reporter so I was used to dealing with numbers. And the numbers made no sense." - Keith Olbermann speaking about the 2004 Presidential election anomalies.

Election results questioned outside of the US.

The Guardian (UK)

One person, one vote. Count the totals. The one with the most wins. The beauty of democracy is its simplicity and its inherent fairness. It equalises everyone, even as it empowers everyone. What could go wrong? In America, it turns out, quite a lot.

Everyone remembers the debacle in Florida, 2000. The recounts, the law suits and the eventual deciding of a presidential election - not by the voters - but by the Supreme Court. The memory still causes a collective shudder to America's body politic.

Which makes the fact that America's system of voting is now even more suspect, more complicated, and more open to abuse than ever before so utterly shocking. Across the country a bewildering series of scandals or dubious practises are proliferating beyond control. The prospect of a 'second Florida' is now more likely not less. There are many - and not all of them are conspiracy theorists - who believed it may have happened in Ohio in 2004.

US allies say 2004 Presidential election 'did not meet democratic standards':

Eastern bloc observers noted that balloting in Ohio, New Mexico and Florida did not meet Ukrainian standards, but applauded America's attempt to restore democratic institutions after the overthrow of elected government in 2000.

Defend your values while you still can

When the shoe fits:

The Fourteen Points of Fascism

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Re-Do America! Mulligan, oh please!

"For most liberals, right is wrong and wrong is right."

There is a website dedicated to the eradication of liberalism.
It has a list of no less than 85 contributing columnists. If you are liberal you are by their definition anti-American and the cause of all evil in the world. If you are a liberal you are stupid and unable to learn, you are undoubtedly a communist and most definitely morally decadent. If you think I exaggerate, please view

I have surely understated the stance of the radical right in regards to liberalism. They would prefer to rename the Democratic Party, the "Demon-cratic Party" and if you doubt that, just pick up any book written by Ann Coulter.

"Liberals have a preternatural gift for striking a position on the side of treason..." - Ann Coulter

A list of articles that can be read on the Alan Keyes website, Renew America

Sexually transmitted diseases are a result of liberalism
Marsha West
March 15, 2008
For most liberals right is wrong and wrong is right. Good is bad and bad is good. Normal is abnormal and abnormal is normal. Whatever advances their cause is what counts. "We must remember that liberalism is not just a system of bad ideas. It is a religion with its priests, creeds, confessions, and dogmas. Liberals worship the system, their church. They gladly sacrifice themselves and anyone else, friend or foe, who gets in the way of the cause. They are more religious than most Christians. They are more dedicated than most Christians."

Two fatal errors of modern liberalism

Dennis Campbell
February 13, 2008
Two primary errors of modern liberalism are a fundamental misunderstanding of human nature and an inability to learn from history.

James Atticus Bowden
March 5, 2008
The Liberal Human Secularists are the masters of speech codes, hate speech, and thought crime. They adapted Political Correctness from the Communist Human Secularists and refined it. Go to any University and many K-12 public schools and see.

Irresponsibility destroys freedom

Adam Graham
April 3, 2008
Liberalism, at its core is based on the notion that we are too stupid, too helpless, and too weak to handle our own affairs. We have neither the ingenuity or know how to manage our lives without the almighty hand of government stepping in.

The founding of the 20th century conservative movement: The restoration of traditionalism

Fred Hutchison
March 17, 2008
Christian conservatism: The synthesis of Christianity and Traditionalist conservatism was intellectually developed by Christopher Dawson and Richard Weaver... This synthesis provided a rationale for Evangelicals and conservative Catholics to enter politics in 1980 and to vote for Ronald Reagan. However, the actual motive of the Christian right for entering politics was to correct the moral decadence of the nation.

The rise of conservatism and the decline of liberalism

February 13, 2007
Fred Hutchison
As one moves left through the spectrum of beliefs in the Democratic party, you will find relativism just to the left of center. The next step to the left on the liberal rainbow is skepticism. Cynicism follows skepticism, and nihilism follows cynicism. Michael Moore, who produces dishonest anti-American propaganda, is a blackguard of cynicism. To the left of Moore, one finds the fiends of nihilism. The land of intellectual nihilism is reserved for haters, slanderers, conspiracy theorists, and embittered and hysterical fools like Cindy Sheehan and the bloggers of Interestingly, the malice and paranoia of Sheehan is reminiscent of Rousseau, the father of liberalism.

No room for Christianity in the religion of the left

Dennis Campbell
March 10, 2008
But, unlike Christianity, the religion of the Left also is quite lacking in tolerance (Christianity is exclusionary, based on the words of Jesus Christ, who proclaimed that "I am the truth, the way and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me").

(So, Dennis, Christianity is so tolerant that it automatically excludes the liberal left? You being a Christian have determined that there is a singular religion of the left and that religion is not Christianity? Now that is truly tolerant of you.)
History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes.
-Thomas Jefferson to Alexander von Humboldt, Dec. 6, 1813.

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Viagra-man's Operation CHAOS

Rush Limbaugh: "I'm dreaming of a white riot..."

Listen to caller "Lisa" in response to Rush's reveling of riots
in Denver sung to the tune of "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas".

Limbaugh proves everyday that idiocy lives in America.

Scary that 4 million listeners might possibly see this as serious commentary.

Limbaugh: Obama's nomination "goes back to the fact that nobody had the guts to stand up and say no to a black guy"
Summary: Rush Limbaugh said that "it is striking how unqualified [Sen. Barack] Obama is and, and how this whole thing came about with, within the Democrat Party. I think it really goes back to the fact that nobody had the guts to stand up and say no to a black guy." Limbaugh went on to say: "I think this is a classic illustration here where affirmative action has reared its ugly head against them.

Operation Chaos Gaff

Parody on Rush's White Riot

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The Faux News Network - on the attack.

"Hillary's called the 'B-word' because she acts like one."

If you are anything other than radical right you have already tuned out of Fox Network News. They must be counting on that. They are stringently targeting their niche market with a schlag of muck and hatred that is obscene and unconscionable. is a website targeted at the rest of America that cannot stand to watch Fox but who need to know about the viral-outrage they are spewing and how it affects the rest of network news. We have to let the other networks know that MAINSTREAM America does not want and will not abide this pantry of putrid aspersion. Please report real news.

Do Something:

Ask the media to STOP the Fox News VIRUS! Please report real news!

"I don't know what the big deal is. He's a half-rican anyway."

Do Something:

Ask the media to STOP the Fox News VIRUS! Please report real news!

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A New Play Book of Double-Speak.

Ok, now this is a real "gem" of a book which claims to dissect and dismantle "all liberal behaviors and beliefs" and expose how they are poisoning our (???) society. I always wonder what the Radically Right mean when they use the word "our". That word is inclusive or exclusive depending on the context. In the Radically Right sense, it is most definitely exclusive and displays a sense of ownership over the world. Liberals and liberalism do not have a place in the RRU "our society".

Reviewers say this is a "must-read" for anyone "wanting understand what liberalism is really all about..." Read it if you can stand it and you will actually glean an understanding of the bile-filled hatred that the Radically Right have for all those beings that stand on the outside of "Their America", "Their Society", and "Their religion".

This quote from the author is just one love-filled example. Links were added by this liberal.

"To liberals, every issue, every situation is an opportunity to divide. History, religion, the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, the death of a soldier, a political debate, the hurricane which devastated New Orleans. Every tragedy exploited to divide. Every victory belittled to divide. Every incident, every word, every distorted statistic, every holiday—you name it, they will find some way to divide it."

How the Left was Won
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
By Jamie Glazov

FP: Richard Mgrdechian, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

Mgrdechian: Thanks for having me.

FP: So what led you to write this book?

Mgrdechian: Over the past several years, I've grown more and more concerned by what I saw happening within American society in terms of the increasing levels of divisiveness and the subtle, but undeniably destructive efforts that liberal policies were having on the country overall.
I started to realize that there were certain highly predictable and very well-defined patterns that existed within that particular ideology. My book, How The Left Was Won is intended to show readers exactly what these patterns are and -- more importantly -- to demonstrate how all liberal policies are ultimately self-destructive to them, the people they claim to be helping and to the country as a whole.
(Read more)

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To be LIBERAL is a BEAUTIFUL thing!

Liberalism is Beautiful! When ever anyone slings the name "Liberal!" at you in dispersion, smile and say "Thank You!" they have just paid you a high complement. If you research the etymology of the word liberal it is derived "from the Latin liber ("free, not slave"). It is widely associated with the word "liberty" and the concept of freedom."

Broadly speaking, liberalism emphasizes individual rights and equality of opportunity. Different forms of liberalism may propose very different policies, but they are generally united by their support for a number of principles, including extensive freedom of thought and speech, limitations on the power of governments, the rule of law, the free exchange of ideas, a market or mixed economy, and a transparent system of government. All liberals — as well as some adherents of other political ideologies — support some variant of the form of government known as liberal democracy, with open and fair elections, where all citizens have equal rights by law.

If it were not for those liberal idealists in the 1700's who had the audacity to suppose "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..." we might still be a loose strung group of colonies supporting our monarchy in England.

Roll-call of Liberal thinkers

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Reading from Left to Right


Right Wing Watch

The Political Carnival

Liberal Values

Daily Kos

Jon Swift - a reasonable conservative

RenewAmerica columns

Right Wing News