Saturday, May 31, 2008

Get Ready for God, Guns, and Gays - Part Two

I received a campaign appeal letter in email from the True Majority ( I am compelled to bring you PART TWO of God, Guns, and Gays in response.

In GG&G Part One, I reviewed how the exuberance for Gay Marriage which was winning strides in Massachusetts and California energized the Radical Right voter base ushering in four more painful years of GW Bush in the 2004 election. Again I say, "When will we learn?" I fully support equal rights for gays and lesbians. It is the only faithful liberal stance for full equality which is one of the standards of my beliefs. However to make this a major public campaign in the wake of a presidential election plays into the hands of the Radical Right every stinking time and even pulls in people for the middle who would otherwise not care who won the election.

Please read this post to Religious right toils to sell homophobia about the recent ruling in California. And don't take the statements from the Pastor of the Church of the Resurrection as any hope that opposition to gay marriage is subsiding. COTR is a Methodist church...I am also a Methodist and our denomination has a long history of supporting equality. The Methodist church I attend in the same city as COTR has an open-door policy accepting everyone without discrimination. We aren't just "leaning" that way, we are leading the way. The greater evangelical church is not of the same mind. Right down the street you can go to another mega-church that will be preaching against liberalism and homosexuality from the pulpit and getting hardy "Amens" as they register voters in the foyer. Mark my words, the Faux News Network (Fox News for those new to my blog) is drooling just ready to run photos and do faux news casts on the upcoming gay marriages in California.

Why not just invite John and Mike to your wedding?
If you plan your wedding before January 2009 you might as well invite John McCain to walk you down the isle and maybe Mike Huckabee could give a toast at your reception.

Go to the mirror and ask yourself this question: "Why is gay marriage legalized anywhere in the United States right before a presidential election?" Is this coincidence? Why did it happen in 2004? Why now again in 2008?

My 80-year-old mother should have been able to beat GW Bush in 2004. What happened? Was it lots of videos on the news showing gay marriages? Was it lots of great photos for conservative direct mailings? Was it new material for Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, and Coulter???

Then ask yourself this question: "How do I feel about having John McCain as MY president and a Congress full of right wingers?

I am not out to burst anyone's bubble about the recent ruling in California. I applaud the decision. I just ask, "Why now?" This plays right into the "God, Guns, and Gays" playbook of the radical right.

If you want another eight years like the past eight years of GWB, go ahead, start planning your wedding and make sure it is very public. Welcome the press when they want to put you on the front page and on the nightly news. Maybe Hannity will hunt down your silver pattern and send you a gift. He is surely happy to see that so many will be entering in to wedded bliss in a parade across prime time in the MSM. on the Recent Marriage Ruling in California

For right-wing Christian activists, this month's California Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage provides an opportunity to rekindle interest in an issue that has fallen well behind the price of gas in the national consciousness.

But it won't be easy, and not just because of pressing secular issues like the housing downturn and an unpopular war in Iraq.

Voices within evangelicalism are pushing for a broader agenda, and evidence suggests younger evangelicals are more accepting of gay men and lesbians. Meanwhile, anti-marriage amendments are on the ballot in only a few states and the issue doesn't play to presumptive GOP presidential nominee John McCain's strengths.

Yet marriage opponents say the California ruling will help them broaden their religious coalitions to include more Hispanic Catholics and evangelicals.

The ruling, they say, made their argument for them: Constitutional measures are needed to prevent judges from subverting the will of the people and reinventing a sacred institution they believe is central to society's well-being and part of God's design.

"I think the California decision does refocus our movement on the threat of marriage being redefined," said John Stemberger, who as head of the Florida Family Policy Council is supporting a proposed amendment in that swing state that would define marriage as between one man and one woman.

link to full article:

McCain will not dare move on this and lose his voter base


  • Marriage Equality Debate
    This is an audio link to a debate on the civil right to marry for same sex couples held at Stanford University School of Law, on April 20, 2005. The participants in the debate were Evan Wolfson, Executive Director of Freedom to Marry and Rev. Lou Sheldon, President of the Traditional Values Coalition.
Listen to this debate which gives both sides of the issue. Rev. Sheldon's views reveal the attitude of the religious right towards this issue. You can debate all you want, but as long as the church pastor preaches that the country is doomed over the acceptance of homosexuality the flock will follow. Evan Wolfson presents very solid statements but he will never convince the religious right. And I propose that this debate is a losing one for the presidential election for the Democratic party.

Anderson Cooper Reports on the California Ruling

Appeal letter from True Majority

You might have heard that the Supreme Court of California ruled that marriage is a fundamental civil right and must not be restricted on the basis of sexual orientation. Now, on June 17th, California is poised to become only the second state in America to practice full marriage equality. Over the past decade the public has rapidly been embracing equal rights and with this clear ruling we finally have an opportunity to put equality over the top.

Now we're coming out. We support full marriage equality.

We all have our own issues: budget priorities, labor rights, reproductive rights, election integrity, telecom immunity, anti-war, pro civil rights, this list goes on and on. But, this is bigger than that. Marriage equality comes down to human rights. That's why we're circulating this open letter for all progressives to take a second to step back from our respective corners and come out in support of same sex marriage.

Sign this open letter for equality today:

Signing this is a first step. Right now, politicians on all sides are falling all over themselves with excuses to avoid talking about the issue. Well we've had enough! We need to show that the progressive movement is united on this issue. We'll deliver this open letter to Governors across the country who are currently considering referendums or legislation regarding marriage equality.

Let's celebrate equality in the most populous state in the union by showing the unity of the progressive movement. Between fighting hateful referendums in California and Florida and making a positive case for marriage equality nationwide, we've got a lot of work to do. So, after you sign, please forward this open letter to 3 friends. Together, we can make marriage equality a reality.

Sign this open letter for full equality:
Thanks for leading the movement,


Ilya Sheyman
Online Organizer

My Response to the True Majority Appeal Letter

Dear Ilya,

I am behind your cause 100% but I feel that this is strategically 100% the wrong time to be taking this action. By going forward with a public campaign for marriage equality before the presidential election you will be playing right into the plans of the radical right. Think back to what happened in 2004 - the big push for gay marriage was a rally cry for the right wing to energize their voter base for George Bush. I don't want John McCain as my president. If you are vocal with this and gain great success now for this cause...we will lose the Democratic candidacy for president.

The religious right is very strategic in how they work politically. We have to be as much or more so. That means sometimes putting off until a better time what you want to do right now and focus on laying the ground work for a better America where equality is truly available to all citizens.

Our country cannot withstand another four years like the past eight of Bush. Let's win the election for the Democratic presidential candidate and for a Democratic Congress and then we will have a much better playing field for equality in marriage and other positive issues.

I guarantee you that every church from the middle to the right will be preaching against the evils of liberals and homosexuality...which they will call the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman...and holding voter registrations on Sunday mornings as the election season continues.They will say this is to follow God's will for our country and to prevent God's judgment on our country. They claim that 9-11 and Katrina were God's judgment on the US because of homosexuality. If you make a big public issue of Marriage Equality before the presidential election you will be doing the work of the religious right for them. They will have the ammo they need to energize their voter base.

Please read: Get Ready for God, Guns, and Gays (

The whole point of politics is to win the WAR not just the battle. You may win this battle, but the WAR will be lost and any gains you make now will vanish. State laws can be over turned and also over ruled by the Supreme Court which has been stacked by conservatives from Nixon to Bush with only a 4 year reprieve during the Carter administration and 8 years during the Clinton administration.

The religious right is willing to throw our country away over the abortion issue; let's not do the same by strategic mistakes in the campaign to gain equality for gays and lesbians. The cause for equality is true and right and must be fought, but it must be fought smartly with extreme strategy.

I will happily sign the petition, AFTER the presidential election.

O'Reilly working hard to tie Gay Marriage to Polygamy and Child Abuse - Dennis Miller Draws the line

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