Sunday, December 12, 2010

Close the Circus and kick out the Clowns

Politics and campaigns, no one hears truth in all the clamor and discord. Nothing meaningful is communicated, just sound bites bought from campaign strategists for high dollars. Talking heads spewing empty words that do nothing but pit tax paying citizens against each other. It means nothing and we get nothing.
Those who spend high dollars to make all this happen pull strings to get what they want and the average working citizen is left in the cold. We are all slaves to corporate America even those that don't work in corporate America because their lobbyists control our government. We pay the taxes that give them bailouts and breaks. Sounds like a very raw deal to me.

Stop all the spending on lobbyists and ads. Make the candidates speak for themselves, in their own words. Publish resumes to tell what they have done and plans for what they will do for the good of this country if elected. Set public debates and post them online. And for those in office, publish their votes and the bills they design in every public library. We are flooded with information, but not in meaningful ways. Make it simple and clean and available to everyone.

We elect candidates now in the midst of so much subterfuge; they dodge and the dance and spout memorized lines. You don't get real jobs this way, why should we elect them based on only smoke, mirrors and emotion? It's a job, treat it like a job and produce results for the ones that pay the salary...that would be you and me.

Stop the commotion, get real. It's real when they take the taxes out of my paycheck. It's real when they deal with the communist government of China to borrow almost half of all that they spend and deepen the debt for our children and grandchildren. The national debt is very real. They need to be real with all of us.

Our elected officials need to stand for goodness and truth not Halliburton and Exxon. There is nothing we cannot accomplish in this great country with all of the resources we have, except for the greed that steals it all away. We need to quit standing for the pitiful performance of our elected officials and throw them out when they don't act for the good of the country. Close down the circus and kick out the clowns.
Reading from Left to Right


Right Wing Watch

The Political Carnival

Liberal Values

Daily Kos

Jon Swift - a reasonable conservative

RenewAmerica columns

Right Wing News