Reviewers say this is a "must-read" for anyone "wanting understand what liberalism is really all about..." Read it if you can stand it and you will actually glean an understanding of the bile-filled hatred that the Radically Right have for all those beings that stand on the outside of "Their America", "Their Society", and "Their religion".
This quote from the author is just one love-filled example. Links were added by this liberal.
"To liberals, every issue, every situation is an opportunity to divide. History, religion, the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, the death of a soldier, a political debate, the hurricane which devastated New Orleans. Every tragedy exploited to divide. Every victory belittled to divide. Every incident, every word, every distorted statistic, every holiday—you name it, they will find some way to divide it."
How the Left was Won
FrontPageMagazine.comTuesday, August 22, 2006
By Jamie Glazov
FP: Richard Mgrdechian, welcome to Frontpage Interview.
Mgrdechian: Thanks for having me.
FP: So what led you to write this book?
Mgrdechian: Over the past several years, I've grown more and more concerned by what I saw happening within American society in terms of the increasing levels of divisiveness and the subtle, but undeniably destructive efforts that liberal policies were having on the country overall.
I started to realize that there were certain highly predictable and very well-defined patterns that existed within that particular ideology. My book, How The Left Was Won is intended to show readers exactly what these patterns are and -- more importantly -- to demonstrate how all liberal policies are ultimately self-destructive to them, the people they claim to be helping and to the country as a whole.
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