Saturday, May 03, 2008

Re-Do America! Mulligan, oh please!

"For most liberals, right is wrong and wrong is right."

There is a website dedicated to the eradication of liberalism.
It has a list of no less than 85 contributing columnists. If you are liberal you are by their definition anti-American and the cause of all evil in the world. If you are a liberal you are stupid and unable to learn, you are undoubtedly a communist and most definitely morally decadent. If you think I exaggerate, please view

I have surely understated the stance of the radical right in regards to liberalism. They would prefer to rename the Democratic Party, the "Demon-cratic Party" and if you doubt that, just pick up any book written by Ann Coulter.

"Liberals have a preternatural gift for striking a position on the side of treason..." - Ann Coulter

A list of articles that can be read on the Alan Keyes website, Renew America

Sexually transmitted diseases are a result of liberalism
Marsha West
March 15, 2008
For most liberals right is wrong and wrong is right. Good is bad and bad is good. Normal is abnormal and abnormal is normal. Whatever advances their cause is what counts. "We must remember that liberalism is not just a system of bad ideas. It is a religion with its priests, creeds, confessions, and dogmas. Liberals worship the system, their church. They gladly sacrifice themselves and anyone else, friend or foe, who gets in the way of the cause. They are more religious than most Christians. They are more dedicated than most Christians."

Two fatal errors of modern liberalism

Dennis Campbell
February 13, 2008
Two primary errors of modern liberalism are a fundamental misunderstanding of human nature and an inability to learn from history.

James Atticus Bowden
March 5, 2008
The Liberal Human Secularists are the masters of speech codes, hate speech, and thought crime. They adapted Political Correctness from the Communist Human Secularists and refined it. Go to any University and many K-12 public schools and see.

Irresponsibility destroys freedom

Adam Graham
April 3, 2008
Liberalism, at its core is based on the notion that we are too stupid, too helpless, and too weak to handle our own affairs. We have neither the ingenuity or know how to manage our lives without the almighty hand of government stepping in.

The founding of the 20th century conservative movement: The restoration of traditionalism

Fred Hutchison
March 17, 2008
Christian conservatism: The synthesis of Christianity and Traditionalist conservatism was intellectually developed by Christopher Dawson and Richard Weaver... This synthesis provided a rationale for Evangelicals and conservative Catholics to enter politics in 1980 and to vote for Ronald Reagan. However, the actual motive of the Christian right for entering politics was to correct the moral decadence of the nation.

The rise of conservatism and the decline of liberalism

February 13, 2007
Fred Hutchison
As one moves left through the spectrum of beliefs in the Democratic party, you will find relativism just to the left of center. The next step to the left on the liberal rainbow is skepticism. Cynicism follows skepticism, and nihilism follows cynicism. Michael Moore, who produces dishonest anti-American propaganda, is a blackguard of cynicism. To the left of Moore, one finds the fiends of nihilism. The land of intellectual nihilism is reserved for haters, slanderers, conspiracy theorists, and embittered and hysterical fools like Cindy Sheehan and the bloggers of Interestingly, the malice and paranoia of Sheehan is reminiscent of Rousseau, the father of liberalism.

No room for Christianity in the religion of the left

Dennis Campbell
March 10, 2008
But, unlike Christianity, the religion of the Left also is quite lacking in tolerance (Christianity is exclusionary, based on the words of Jesus Christ, who proclaimed that "I am the truth, the way and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me").

(So, Dennis, Christianity is so tolerant that it automatically excludes the liberal left? You being a Christian have determined that there is a singular religion of the left and that religion is not Christianity? Now that is truly tolerant of you.)
History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes.
-Thomas Jefferson to Alexander von Humboldt, Dec. 6, 1813.

Buzz it up

Reading from Left to Right


Right Wing Watch

The Political Carnival

Liberal Values

Daily Kos

Jon Swift - a reasonable conservative

RenewAmerica columns

Right Wing News