One thing that stands out clearly in the 2008 Presidential election cycle is that the radically right believe deeply that they are the "true" Americans and also the "true" Christians." Sarah Palin told a crowd that she was happy to be speaking to a part of the country where "pro-Americans" lived. This implies that she must have been places in the US where "anti-Americans" live?
The religious radical right person believes that anyone who is not a part of their belief circle could not be a true Christian or a true American. They believe that anyone outside of their circle is a threat to the American/Christian way of life. And they do believe that the American way of life is definitely Christian. Their leaders in PAC groups and church groups tell them this again and again as they incite a mounting fear that has these people digging deep into their pockets to fork out hard-earned cash to these very PAC's and church groups. They must do so to ensure their freedom and their very way of life. If they do not, then those dirty, nasty, godless, child-eating LIBERALS will take away all their Bibles and guns and line them up in a train station to ship them off to a labor camp ready and waiting for all good right-wing Christians. So dig deep and give, give, give.
If you take the time to view some of the sites I have in my "Reading from Left to Right" section on this site you will find that LIBERAL is the vilest word in the right-wing lexicon. When anything goes wrong in their world, the LIBERALS are behind it. If they could pin Hurricane Katrina on the LIBERALS I am sure they would do so. After all, it must have been whipped up to make "W" look bad.
I recall that a member of James Dobson's staff was calling for torrential rain to fall on the last night of the Democratic convention. As it turned out, it was a beautiful starry night. However, the Republican Convention was greeted with a hurricane. Interesting if you believe that God is tossing these storms in judgement.
More of this is what I expect we will be seeing from the "right" wing:
The underhanded Democrat tactics of the 2008 political season are no less a declaration of war on the conventions and institutions of the American heartland than were the numerous Islamist attacks preceding 9-11. And anything short of a full and appropriate political and ideological counterattack from the right will guarantee its eventual defeat. - (November 13, 2008) The grim significance of the 2008 elections by Chris Adamo
What the Bible says about government and which also was written during Roman rule a government which was not a Christian theocracy:
Romans 13:1 (Whole Chapter) [ Be Subject to Government ] Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.
A must read article from Cal Thomas: Religious Right R.I.P. This article embodies what I believe as a born again Christian who came to Jesus in the Jesus People revival of the 1970's. I have been so disheartend by the politization of the Church. I have hope renewed by this article from Cal Thomas. The Church needs to wake up and realize that politics is not a savior. The people of God have to live their beliefs from the heart each and every day and not think that getting in the muck and mire of politics is going to change anything. The country will only change in a positive way if the citizens walk and talk their faith rather than trying to legislate it.
My Response to Cal Thomas: AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!
I have been waiting for a Christian of stature to say this for years!!! Thank you, Mr. Thomas.
It is time to stop fear-mongering and start walking in faith and in the steps of our Lord Jesus. As Christians we have the most radical change program in the universe and it doesn't rely on any politics but on God's boundless love.
We Christians must stop hating our neighbors... even if they are "gaybors" and realize God did not call us to judge but to love our neighbors as ourselves. This is exactly what Jesus taught without hesitation. Love wins out over all other actions. If not, then the work on the cross is ineffective.
God will never condemn you for sharing His love with everyone. We don't need religion in politics. What we need is the love of God shed abroad in the hearts of politicians. And of course, in the hearts of all people.
Jesus was a true Radical. His way of thinking and living was counter to all norms. He changed the world without employing politicians to do his work. He changed the hearts of people with God's love. He walked it, he talked it, he died for it, and he rose again so that we might live in the love of God. The Spirit of God descended on the disciples on Pentecost not with a torch to consume sinners and blast them from the planet, but with a flame to burn the chains of sin from their souls so that they could sing God's praises from a clean heart. And to empower them to take the message of God's love so that the chains of sin would be broken in all the world. God's love is not for an elite group. It is for all people.
If every church would make a vow to keep politics and voter coercion away from their pulpit and instead teach their flocks to love as God loves then the politics of this nation would be transformed without the help of even one religious political action committee. That's the revolution we need...the one where the people of God share his Love with everyone they meet. Our Christian faith was never meant to be a political base, but a base for the kingdom of the true living God.
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