The biggest looming question is will the outcome be clear. Will we know on November 4th who has won or will there be a struggle, will there be claims of fraud, will the election be clear or will it appear to be stolen?
HBO is currently playing "Hacking Democracy" and "Recount" two very sombering films about what happened in 2000 and 2004 with the presidential elections. You can find them on the programming schedule or view On Demand.
The scariest colors of this season may not be orange and black but red and blue.
2008 voting machine glitches begin.
"We believe the problem will be solved when voting is no longer done on electronic voting machines."
"We favor paper ballots, counted by an optical scan reader. And when the paper ballots are counted, if the total is different from what the optical scan reader reports, the paper ballots’ total should be the official election result."
Voting Machine Glitches could plague 2008 Presidential election.
Touch-screen voting and the decline in Democracy.
Latest Results about Voting Machine Glitches
View Hacking Democracy here:
Part One
Part Two - No transparency in how electronic voting machines work. Companies hide their technology.
Part Three - Independent company, tests and tests and tests until results please the manufacturer. They don't report on any negative results.
Part Four - Diebold claims glitches in favor of Bush were not intentional
Part Five - How acurate is the vote? Only as acurate as the coding allows. If that is kept secret, how can we trust our electoral process? We must demand transparency.
Part Six - Current, official, and signed polled tapes found in bin destined to be shredded.
Part Seven - in recount, precincts that didn't add-up properly were set aside and left uncounted
Part Eight - Diebold influences purchasing decisions through campaign contributions to Republican party
Part Nine - And the proof is in. Program code can switch the vote so convincingly that it is certified by election officials who believe it to be accurate.
A Spoof that is too close to true:
I confirm that I am a private citizen and in no way officially connected to the Barack Obama campaign other than personally being in support of the Obama candidacy.
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