People are lamenting the divisiveness caused by the election. What has to be recognized is that it was not the election but the desperate actions of John McCain and of many leaders of the radically right that spewed endless hatred to advance their personal causes that has brought about and is salting the wounds in our nation. As the adage goes, "Those who live by the sword, die by the sword." Using a toxic message has poisoned the McCain election and may prove to be just as deadly to the many right-wing organizations that have published and preached the same bitterness.
Christianity the most positive message in the universe has once again been hijacked for the personal gain of certain people and their organizations. To take the threat of hellfire and brimstone to the voting ballot and tell a congregation or a supporter base that their eternal fate is at risk by how they mark the box for president is wrong, especially so when it is laced by out-right lies and venomous hate.
Get ready for all the rants from the "Right" or as a friend of mine likes to say "from the religious Wrong." Here is one such example in an interesting discussion board on SodaHead , asking the question "Did Barack Obama Buy the Election?"
My response: "Obama didn't win because of money or because of his race. He won because of his superior ideas and goals. He won because he struck a cord with the people of this country who want to see positive change. Our image in the eyes of the world has been sullied by the actions of the Bush administration. The Bush doctrine (IWRC) of pre-emptive war has caused vast mistrust of this country. We need a leader who can rebuild our image and once again put us in a position of respect not because we can drop more bombs but because we have a president who knows how to lead with diplomacy."
I confirm that I am a happy supporter of my President, Barack Obama.
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