Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Big Ugly of the Week - Glenn Beck: Spanked and then Punched

The Big Ugly of the week goes to Glenn Beck for a message he is encouraging for free distribution through his Face Book page: Glen Beck: Spanked then Punched 

Although I appreciate that he is calling his flock of devotees to be a people of peace, he wins the Big Ugly award for claiming that Liberals NEED the Right to be violent bomb throwers and are therefore inciting the Right Wing to violence.

Come on Glenn, we have Democratic congressmen retiring because of the ridiculous stalemate caused by Republicans who don't understand diplomacy and negotiation. Teapartiers spit on Congressman Emmanuel Cleaver and called other African-American Representatives the "N" word. Who needs that?

What we need in this country is a government of the people, by the people, for the people. Since the people are not homogeneous, that means to achieve the best interests of the people there has to be civil discourse along with some sensible give and take. 

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