Sunday, March 28, 2010

Healthcare Reform Side Effect: Rush Limbaugh Promises to Leave USA


In health care, many things can have side effects; some healthy and some risky. 
The passage of the health care reform act has proven to have at least one positive side effect. 
Rush Limbaugh promised, vowed or otherwise loudly stated that he would leave the USA if the reform passed.
Well Rush, the bill passed. Now what are you going to do?
At least two Face Book pages have already gone up encouraging people to support Rush in his vow of conscience.
Group 1: Rush Limbaugh Leaving the US
Group 2: Rush Limbaugh Remember to Leave the Country

March 8th broadcast segment of the EIB Network:

It's not clear if he will actually MOVE from the US or simply take a medical vacation for his health care.  
Let him know which you would prefer. 
If you would like to remind Rush and support his vow of conscience, you may email him at this address:

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