Sunday, March 28, 2010

Liberty Counsel: how to start a revolution

For just $25 You too can learn how to start a revolution. The Liberty Counsel will sponsor an event April 15 - 16 to teach you the way. Or you can get the down and dirty free version on "WikiHow."

In a press release contrasting President Obama's signing of health care reform to a declaration from Patrick Henry, “If we wish to be free…, we must fight!”, Mathew D. Staver, Founder of Liberty Counsel and Dean of Liberty University School of Law, said:

“What a difference 235 years makes in American history. The threat to life and liberty has come full circle. Like then, the American people love life and liberty and hate arbitrary abuse of power. Then, like now, powerful leaders stirred up the people to realize they must be vigilant to defend their freedom. There has not been a day in the presidency of Barack Obama in which the people have been free of strife and discord. The Declaration of Independence says that the people are willing to suffer many abuses, but there comes a time when it is their right – it is their duty – to push back. That time is now. The people must channel their anger through nonviolent means to change the leadership and the direction of America.”

I remember the pastor of my childhood encouraging patriotism by showing respect for our leaders. The lack of respect being shown to President Obama by "people of faith" is shocking. The flock is led like sheep to the house of slaughter, never minding where the path may take them. Never thinking for themselves and being continually scared of by the inventions of imaginary demons by those who lead them. How can so many fall for one "conspiracy" after another

Taking a 50-mile step back to look at our country, it is my humble opinion that the "right-wing" movement in our country would be an enticing target for outside enemies to infiltrate and use for their own ends to cause turmoil and downfall. Why do I say this? Because they so easily fall for every imagined threat put before them by Limbaugh, Beck, and the parade of sardonic talking heads on Fox News Network. Because they have been used by corporate entities to fight political battles. Because they have been used by the Republican leadership for years to fuel their party's cause until "Surprise!", the right wing took the party over. Now the powers that be in the "old guard" Republican halls are holding the reigns of a wild stallion which may very well drive their cart over a precipice. I pray they don't take our blessed USA with them. 

The Tea Party Patriots are monitoring military movements as "unusual" because they fear their own country's military. And why? Why is this fear so great?

And then there is this project of the Liberty Counsel to "adopt a liberal" to pray for them. Now that sounds so nice. Until you read the comments about the liberals they suggest for adoption. It sounds more like one of their "voter information card hitlists" than a prayer list. 

In less friendly terms, Renew America is calling for resistance by the states.
"The American people are overwhelmingly opposed to the implementation of MussoliniCare. It is heavy-handed and repressive and is a worse form of oppression than any the Crown imposed on the Colonies in the 1770s."

Here is an excellent post written in 2004 by Joe Badgeant that puts this issue in a nutshell of why we should take note and care about the rising tide of revolution-speak, for those who have never spent time in a fundamentalist, dominionist congregation will have a hard time believing that rational Midwest Americans could actually think this way. And then if you want the truly indepth version read on here.

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