It is my hope that the majority of Christians have a greater sophistication than is displayed in Part 1 of this article. People who call themselves pastors and yet use not the fear, or "awe" as it may better be translated, of God, but the Fear of Punishment to keep their flocks in line and donating to the church coffers have no valid claim to the title of Reverend or Pastor. In my humble opinion, they are shameful hucksters robbing the people who follow them of the full love of God by teaching fear and hate. Jesus taught us to have the perfect love of God in our hearts. What is the greatest commandment? "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. And the second is like the first: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments" - Jesus, as recorded in Matthew 22:34 - 40
When asked, "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus responded with the story of the Good Samaritan. The Samaritans were hated and despised by the Jews. In this parable a Jew is waylaid by robbers, beaten and left for dead along side the road. A Jewish priest passed by and did not stop. A Levite also passed by looking the other way and ignoring the man's cries for help. But when the Samaritan came by the man, he stopped and dressed his wounds and took him to a inn for care and paid the innkeeper for the man's expenses.
What was the point of this story? Show mercy even to those who spitefully misuse and abuse you. The Samaritan had the least reason of all to help the Jew beside the road, but he showed the love of God to him anyway. The Samaritan understood who is a neighbor. Jesus said, "Go and do likewise."
The Radical Right wants no neighbors but has only a desire to see the world around them plunged into the burning fires of hell so that they alone may dwell in God's heaven. What would you hope Jesus would find you doing if he returned today? Hurling hatred and abuse towards people with alternate life-styles? Or would you rather be living your life dressing the wounds of those in need and living in the way of the true love of the Saviour?
In my humble opinion, Jesus did not bare the burden of our sins, endure a night of endless beating and vile abuse, hang on a cross until death and utter as his last words, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" in order to raise up a church filled with people pointing angry fingers at the world around them longing for an Armageddon to destroy the world so that they would not have to live with the "sin" of their neighbors. This is just a guess, I think Jesus had in mind that we would pray for the sick that they might be healed, feed the hungry, and take care of orphans and widows in their time of need.
A modern day version of the Good Samaritan story might go like this: Pat Robertson is the man robbed and left at the side of the road...John Hagee passes by but is on the way to the airport heading out to host a conference titled: Armageddon, the impending War against the Apostate Church. He can't dare miss his flight so he gives his condolences to Pat and goes on his way.
Then Rod Parsley passes by, but looks the other way because he is on the way to a Morning Talk show on Fox News to discuss why America must revoke all clauses in equal rights laws which include allowances for sexual orientation because in reality as everyone should know, this is actually granting "special rights" not equal rights. He would miss the air time if he stopped. He is sure that help is on the way and that Pat's faith will carry him through.
Next along comes Congressman Barney Frank. Congressman Frank has many important committee meetings today and a planning meeting with his staff. However, seeing Pat Robertson laying hurt and in need beside the road, Mr. Frank pulls out his cell phone, calls his secretary and has his meetings rescheduled and offers his regrets to the committee chairs. He pulls over, calls 911, and takes care of Pat Robertson waiting with him, offering him water, until the ambulance arrives. Pat Robertson has been robbed of his wallet, so Barney goes with Pat to the hospital to insure that the finances are in proper order and that Pat is given the care he needs.
Days later, Barney calls Pat to inquire about his recovery. (Hagee and Parsley have been swamped with conferences and talk show appearances and haven't had time to call. But each did instruct their secretaries to send a "get well" card.) Pat is so thankful for Barney's concern. Pat now recognizes that he can show God's love toward Barney and it is up to Barney to talk to God about his personal life. Pat has also been starting to consider whether the erratic weather patterns we have been experiencing may actually be caused by an overload of CO2 as a result of pollution and not really God's judgment. Now this is fiction right? But how do you explain this:
Good Samaritan image along with other beautiful religious art images can be found at
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