Who believes this stuff? You ask yourself that. You try to hold on to the fact that reasonable and sensible people don't read this crap. But Oh Mama! They are out there and they are reading it. And paying for the opportunity.

*This is an actual quote from an email I received from Human Events.
Read this Media Matters post from Dec. 2006 - you will see that the radical right has been ramping up for a Obama run for president and planting seeds of doubt for over two years.
The Nation, Jan 2007 - Smearing Obama. A campaign of fear and innuendo continues.
American Chronicle, July 2007 - Barack Obama will not win the Democratic nomination. Hmm. Got that one wrong. This article goes so far as to have a clip of the cover of The Manchurian Candidate showing the face of Denzel Washington. What's the message? Does that matter when you are trying to plant subliminal or maybe not so subliminal messages about Barack Obama.
John Kerry was also the Manchurian Candidate according to Gerald L. Atkinson in October 2004.
Hillary Clinton is also the Manchurian Candidate.
And who is the REAL Manchurian Candidate?
Well, George W. Bush of course.
And what have we learned from this my children? When you don't like a candidate in the U.S.A., that candidate is THE Manchurian Candidate.
So I wondered? What if you applied this formula to John McCain?
RightWingWatch - Whistleblower Magazine
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