Is it possible he's a Manchurian candidate?
*This is a spoof on a HumanEvents email which seriously portrayed Barack Obama as the Manchurian Candidate in this fashion. I have applied their style to John McCain. It works well and maybe too well.
There are 150,000 items and growing on a Google Search for John McCain manchurian candidate. Why all the speculation? Why is he suspect to the radical right? Why do POW's have such animosity against John McCain? Why did the North Vietnamese dub him "Songbird McCain?" Why would a fellow Republican congressman say, "The thought of John McCain as president sends cold chills down my spine?"
Is this the man you want as YOUR president?
Is John McCain a war hero who would lead the country with moral courage and strength as he has led many people to believe? Or is it possible he's a Manchurian candidate – harboring an ominous secret agenda few understand, a man destined to wreak havoc on America should he become president? Is John McCain a true "right wing" conservative candidate or is he saying whatever he must to whomever he needs in order to win the election?
What is John McCain's agenda?
Is John McCain still fighting the Vietnam war? Is Iraq the mission of his dreams? He says it is quite possible we will keep troupes in Iraq for 100 years! What is his stance on Iran? If you don't like it you can, "get a life" is his response.
Is this the man for YOUR commander in chief?
Our preemptive attack on Iraq has reduced our image in the world from being "the home of the brave and land of the free" to that of world tyrant and imperialistic opportunist. John McCain has been said to have a "volcanic temper." How would that play out in world diplomacy?
How will a man with so little respect for his wife, whose family money paved the way for his political career, be viewed by the rest of the world? What will that say about all of us if we elect him?
Is this the man to answer the hot line with his finger on THE BUTTON?
If John McCain handles a high school town hall by calling a questioner "a little jerk" what will he do under the pressure of the office of President when times get tough?
What about Carol McCain, the woman who stood by John McCain, POW and war hero, waiting for him to return home that he dumped for a younger and wealthier woman? Was it really just "mid-life" crisis as some say or raw ambition to find any way possible to become POTUS?
Was John McCain tortured?
...or is that only a trumped up story to make him look heroic? If he was tortured, what scars remain buried deep inside? Torture breaks the psyche and scars the emotions and reasoning. McCain claims months and years of "torture." Was he also brainwashed or did he willing record 32 broadcast messages in defense of communism and in defamation of the USA? Could John McCain actually be a "Manchurian Candidate?"
It will be up to the voters to decide. In my opinion, we can't afford a reckless and volatile person as our Head of State and Commander in Chief. We should not elect a person whose loyalties appear to be only for his best interest as he has exhibited as a POW, as a husband, and as Senator.
Who is the Real John McCain?
Songbird McCain - Manchurian Candidate?
Veterans Against McCain
Embarrassing documents concerning John McCain's captivity buried
The News Team -The "Manchurian Candidate" McCain
In 1992 the US House of Representatives approved a bill, 401-0, to declassify documents about POWs from theKorean and Vietnam wars. The bill was killed in the Senate by Senators John Kerry and John McCain. One possible reason is potentially embarrassing classified documents concerning John McCain’s captivity.
The Worst Person in the World: Ann Coulter - What was she thinking?
Ann Coulter has been insinuating that Barack Obama may be a Manchurian candidate. But in the 1962 movie the Manchurian Candidate was a supposed war hero POW who had been tortured and brainwashed by the Chinese and was programmed as a Soviet sleeper/mole agent to assassinate a Presidential candidate. Considering John McCain's history as a POW, tortured by the Chinese...WHAT WAS ANN THINKING?
Will bringing up the topic of a Manchurian Candidate cause some people to speculate on the past of John McCain? That just might happen!
Movie review: The Manchurian Candidate
*This is a spoof on a HumanEvents email which seriously portrayed Barack Obama as the Manchurian Candidate in this fashion. I have applied their style to John McCain. It works well and maybe too well.
Is this the man you want as YOUR president?
Is John McCain a war hero who would lead the country with moral courage and strength as he has led many people to believe? Or is it possible he's a Manchurian candidate – harboring an ominous secret agenda few understand, a man destined to wreak havoc on America should he become president? Is John McCain a true "right wing" conservative candidate or is he saying whatever he must to whomever he needs in order to win the election?
What is John McCain's agenda?
Is John McCain still fighting the Vietnam war? Is Iraq the mission of his dreams? He says it is quite possible we will keep troupes in Iraq for 100 years! What is his stance on Iran? If you don't like it you can, "get a life" is his response.
Is this the man for YOUR commander in chief?
Our preemptive attack on Iraq has reduced our image in the world from being "the home of the brave and land of the free" to that of world tyrant and imperialistic opportunist. John McCain has been said to have a "volcanic temper." How would that play out in world diplomacy?
How will a man with so little respect for his wife, whose family money paved the way for his political career, be viewed by the rest of the world? What will that say about all of us if we elect him?
Is this the man to answer the hot line with his finger on THE BUTTON?
If John McCain handles a high school town hall by calling a questioner "a little jerk" what will he do under the pressure of the office of President when times get tough?
Was John McCain tortured?
...or is that only a trumped up story to make him look heroic? If he was tortured, what scars remain buried deep inside? Torture breaks the psyche and scars the emotions and reasoning. McCain claims months and years of "torture." Was he also brainwashed or did he willing record 32 broadcast messages in defense of communism and in defamation of the USA? Could John McCain actually be a "Manchurian Candidate?"
It will be up to the voters to decide. In my opinion, we can't afford a reckless and volatile person as our Head of State and Commander in Chief. We should not elect a person whose loyalties appear to be only for his best interest as he has exhibited as a POW, as a husband, and as Senator.
Who is the Real John McCain?
Songbird McCain - Manchurian Candidate?
Veterans Against McCain
Embarrassing documents concerning John McCain's captivity buried
The News Team -The "Manchurian Candidate" McCain
In 1992 the US House of Representatives approved a bill, 401-0, to declassify documents about POWs from theKorean and Vietnam wars. The bill was killed in the Senate by Senators John Kerry and John McCain. One possible reason is potentially embarrassing classified documents concerning John McCain’s captivity.
The Worst Person in the World: Ann Coulter - What was she thinking?
Ann Coulter has been insinuating that Barack Obama may be a Manchurian candidate. But in the 1962 movie the Manchurian Candidate was a supposed war hero POW who had been tortured and brainwashed by the Chinese and was programmed as a Soviet sleeper/mole agent to assassinate a Presidential candidate. Considering John McCain's history as a POW, tortured by the Chinese...WHAT WAS ANN THINKING?
Will bringing up the topic of a Manchurian Candidate cause some people to speculate on the past of John McCain? That just might happen!
Movie review: The Manchurian Candidate
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