Comments two days after September 11, 2001 while America is in shock and mourning:
God is America's Terrorist
The 9-11 attacks and Katrina disaster were both attributed to God's judgment on the US. John Hagee, Ron Parsley, and the late Jerry Falwell have taught this way of thinking to hundreds of thousands from their pulpits...and Hagee and Parsley recently endorsed John McCain's 2008 presidential bid. (UPDATE: McCain has since rejected the endorsements of Hagee and Parsley amidst an uproar from the main stream media, the Obama campaign and the Catholic Church. McCain had called for Obama to reject the views of his pastor of 20 years, so it was an obvious open door to question McCain's endorsement from Hagee and Parsley. In another commendable action, Hagee sent a letter of apology to William Donohue, president of the Catholic League for the statements he has made in regards to the Church.)
The "religious" right has successfully used marriage equality which they put in terms of "traditional family values" as an issue to energize their voter base in past elections - the 2004 election being a prime example. Just a few months before the 2004 election, marriage licenses were being issued to hundreds in San Francisco and gay marriage was made legal in Massachusetts. However, while the gay & lesbian community was celebrating, the "religious" right successfully used this issue to scare their voter base to come out and vote. Why does this work?
I attribute this to evangelical churches preaching fear and hatred of liberalism and homosexuality from the pulpit. Adherents to right-wing Christian churches believe that liberalism and homosexuality are on the move to destroy America and that God will punish America if homosexuality becomes accepted in the United States. ( and will affirm this statement.)
This is extreme, but it is in our America and there are many more groups like this in varying degrees of extremity.
The radical right expects something similar to the Biblical Soddom and Gomorah to happen because of legal gay marriage. I expect the Faux News Network to play heavily on this fear with their usual hobgoblin fashion. As scary as it may be, they have millions of minions watching every day.
Hagee endorsed John McCain...did he also ADVISE George Bush?
Is this why we diverted our troupes to Iraq rather than completing the mission in Afghanistan?
Listen to the end of the clip to hear John Hagee talk about a little revelation of his own in which God is the one who mysteriously created the voting anomalies in the 2000 election to Bush's favor. Good to know our God would tinker with the vote of the people, according to Hagee.
John McCain:"I am honored and proud to have the endorsement of Pastor Hagee..."
My point is that if we don't want McCain as our president, we need to be mindful of what we do between now and the election. Don't give any ground to those that would diminish our freedoms. We have to understand how the political system works and how the games are played. We need to be strategic and we need to focus on getting a Democrat in the oval office so that we can rebuild the freedoms we have lost or have never had because of discrimination.
We need a better America than we have had for the eight W years . The world is watching and waiting and also hoping for a better America. We can do it. We can change America. You know what they say about freedom...just because a battle has been won you can never let down your guard. The cost of freedom is eternal vigilance. A battle has been won, but the war is still being waged.
Whatever you do, do not be apathetic, do not sit by silent. Be brave, be bold, get active.
Buzz it up