The Obama campaign has been the team of substance and relevance. The other guys, they just want to put up smoke screens and draw our attention to things of little LIPSTICK.
They have nothing to say, so they are desperately looking for things to go negative on. Since they can't find any dirt, they have to make it look like Barack and Joe are being bad boys and saying snarky things about a certain lady. Barack and Joe are too good for that.
So now that the celeb veep for the other camp has hit the stage...let all get over ourselves and get back to the real issues. Leave the lipstick for Mary Kay parties and let's get on with winning this election for Barack and Joe! Yeah!
LETTERMAN: Let me ask you a question here, have you ever actually put lipstick on pig?
OBAMA: The answer would be no. But I think it might be fun to try …. This is sorta silly season in politics. Not that there’s a non silly season but it gets sillier . It’s a common expression in at least Illinois. I don’t know about in New York City. I don’t know what you put lipstick on here. (Silly cringe from Letterman. Laughter from audience) In Illinois, The expression connotes the idea that if you have a bad idea — in this case I was talking about McCain’s economic plans — calling them ‘change,’ calling them something different doesn’t make them better. Hence lipstick on a pig is still a pig.
He then added that Palin represented the lipstick in the picture, with McCain’s policies as the pig.
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