Mortgages are failing, Wall Street is in a melt-down, the economy is in a tail-spin.
What will it take to end this out-of-control spiral?
One Trillion Dollars?
Suspend the interviews...
Suspend the convention...
Suspend the campaign...
Suspend the presidential debates...
Suspend the vice presidential debates...
Suspend the government spending...
Suspend the free market...
Suspend the election???
This is McInsane! Yeah Baby... put in that call to Austin Powers.
And here is something else just to make you think, for a bit of fun:

Is it the chin or the eyes? Or is it that nose?
I found this graphic at Information Security Place and updated to this election. I had thought of the same thing recently after watching the RNC and seeing Traitor Joe's speech in support of McSame. He showed more fire in that one speech than he displayed in the entire 2000 campaign as Al Gore's running mate. So what's up with that?

I confirm that I am a private citizen and in no way officially connected to the Barack Obama campaign other than personally being in support of the Obama candidacy.
Buzz it up
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