I have included both installments of the Palin interview with Katie Couric in this post along with the Saturday Night Live spoof and some additional commentary. You have to see this to believe it. But first I offer a bit of my own commentary.
My first response to John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin was that he was making a grab for Hillary Clinton supporters. I soon revised my thinking and began to see that his choice of Governor Palin was a desperate attempt to keep the Republican Convention from blowing up and to shore up the radically right pro-life conservative base that he feels he needs to win the prize of POTUS. No woman who supported Hillary Clinton and all that Senator Clinton stands for would be able to in good conscience transfer support to McCain based on the addition of Sarah Palin. John McCain's first choice for a running mate was Joe Lieberman. His radically right base threatened to walk off the convention floor if any one but a pro-life candidate was announced. Lieberman with his years of experience was dumped. McCain wistfully played with the idea of Tom Ridge, but in the end had to let go of a very qualified pick. Kay Baily Hutchinson who is ranked in the top most powerful women in America and could have brought over some of the Hillary vote was nixed because she was not pro-life. If I could have picked for McCain, I would have suggested Condoleezza Rice but he didn't look my way.
McCain has exposed his ambition and desperation with the choice of Sarah Palin. He wants to be POTUS so badly that he will do anything to achieve victory, even selecting a running mate with no qualifications. McCain shows no concern for America and "even the rest of the world also in the globalization in which we are a part of also even..." in the words of Governor Palin.
Why? Why did he make this choice? John McCain felt he had to, above all else, appease the radically right pro-life constituency. The Family Research Council and James Dobson of Focus on the Family and Phylis Schaffly all applaud the choice of Sarah Palin. These individuals and their followers have no concern that Governor Palin is not qualified to serve as President of the United States. Their only requirement of a candidate is that they are pro-life. This is the same mode of operation that filled our congress and senate with unqualified Republicans and elected George W. Bush to lead them. This is the thinking that produced the past eight years of unqualified leadership that has resulted in a war that is failing, runaway spending, a decline in our economy, a broken health care system, a failed education system, enmity towards the U.S. from the rest of the world and the mortgage debacle for which Congress will now turn to the America public for a trillion-dollar bail out.
John McCain claims the slogan, "America First" and "Country First" but in reality his actions show that it is all about John McCain's own ambition. If McCain continues to decline in the polls will he throw Sarah under the bus as his "fall-girl?" People are already starting to wonder.
Who is most qualified to serve as president? Is it John McCain or Barack Obama? I am not sure either is totally qualified but I will put my bets on the guy that graduated magna cum laud from Harvard Law School over the guy that graduated sixth from the bottom of his class at the Naval Academy.
Chuck Todd of NBC comments on Russia and Foreign Policy Experience
Jack Cafferty, "Why Sarah Palin should scare the hell out of you."
What viewers had to say: Cafferty File
As spoofed by Saturday Night Live
Analysis from T.Y.T
Should Palin step down?
Speculation before the convention:
Huffington Post comments before the RNC.
Would dumping Palin be an Eagleton mistake?
The British betting houses dropped the odds.
More recently:
Prominent conservative commentator suggests Palin should step down.
McCain staff feeling desperate after mock debates with Palin prove disastrous.
The UK Independent says the Cringe Meter if off the dial.
And in Alaska, some are calling for both McCain and Palin to resign.
Buzz it up
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