Sarah Palin press release, confirming much speculation from the blogging community: Bristol Palin, 17, is indeed five months pregnant and engaged to be married.
I commend Sarah for coming forward and ending the wild speculations of this weekend. It is now time to consider the privacy of Bristol Palin and be supportive of this young mother. Read more on this announcement...
Across to world this weekend, people have been using the Internet to find out more about Sarah Palin, John McCain's pick for the Republican Veep slot. It appears that Friday and Saturday, people were just trying to find out the basics of who Sarah Palin is, as a relative unknown on the national scene.
By Saturday evening, they were discovering more than they expected of this lovely, Pro-life conservative Christian. People were scratching their heads and wondering if McCain had done his research or if he had fallen into a mishap caused by inept "Vetters." Rumors were starting to bubble up to the surface, first about "Trooper-gate" and whether Palin had overstepped her power to gain revenge on her sister's patrolman ex-husband during a custody battle.
And then the biggest shocker of all, questions about whether Sarah Palin is "Mom" or "Grandma" to little baby Trig. Speculation first ran high that Sarah was faking her pregnancy to cover for the pregnancy for her 17-year old daughter Bristol. By Sunday night and Monday the searches are trending towards queries about whether indeed both pregnancies are a reality.
By Monday, the rumors have evolved to include Sarah Palin having Trig but adding that Bristol, 17, is also pregnant and was recently married in a shotgun wedding to her eighth-grade boyfriend.
Fueling the ferocious blogging frenzy is the race to get to pictures and articles as they are at the same time being purged from official sites - not unlike the scene in the movie Clear and Present Danger when Harrison Ford's character was trying to pull evidence from a government computer about presidential corruption and abuse of power in high places.
Makes ya' wonder. If Sarah Palin had just been properly vetted all this information could have been cleaned up nicely and there wouldn't be so many youtube videos and blogger reports with actual photos and copies of press-releases. John and Sarah could have gone on hand-in-hand running for the highest offices in America without all this mess to worry the American voters about.
Whatever the reasons, the name Palin has been number one this weekend on the Internet. Until the McCain/Palin camp either denies or confirms these rumors they will continue to swirl like hurricane Gustav but may last longer, create political devastation for John McCain and be the end of Sarah's short political career. The biggest tragedy is what may happen to the psyche of Bristol Palin. She deserves more from her mother than to be the eye of this rumor storm. For Bristol's sake, Sarah Palin must address this issue decisively, once and for all.
The bloggers have had their fun. It's time for the "Straight Talk Express" to do its duty. Come on Sarah, time to look the camera straight on and be honest with the American people. American's are very forgiving if they know you are being open and honest. It's the cover-up that kills political careers. Just ask John Edwards.
MSNBC breaks news release
Sarah Who? Just Who is Sarah Palin?
Daily Kos - Summary of Baby-Gate
Is Sarah Palin Trig's Mom? (video)
Update with Photos supporting Sarah as Mom (video)
Sarah Palin Pregnancy/Labor Decision Guide
Buzz it up